Hidden Agenda The Book
This is a photo book about Hidden Agenda (aka the world famous indie music venue in Hong Kong) - 《Hidden Agenda The Book》, a collaborative photo book features 9 Hong Kong photographers’ work, showcasing photos from the 1st generation (2010) to the 4th generation (2017); The book includes more than 120 photos and the total number of pages is 100. The book is printed on hard artbook cover in color and the first batch is limited to 500 copies. This is a decent collectible items for music lovers.
To make it special, the first 100 customers will also receive one limited edition Hidden Agenda laser cut wood plated bookmark (see the picture). The bookmark will not be reproduced after the pre-order batch.
Lastly, all the book revenue will be donated to Hidden Agenda as a funding for future development.
We welcome local and international pre-order. Please refer to the shipping rate at the shopping cart. We will start shipping out the book starting from August 5th, 2017. Besides, we also accept the pre-order to be picked up at the Hidden Agenda venue. The instruction to pick up the pre-order shall be notified by emails in the future. If your shipping location is not list in the product option, please contact us through the contact form and we are happy to rearrange the shipping option for you.
第一本關於 HIdden Agenda 的攝影集即將面世-《Hidden Agenda The Book》收錄9位香港攝影師由 2010 年到 2017 年在第一至第四代 HIdden Agenda 部份演出的攝影作品。這本相集呈現了不同時期的 Hidden Agenda,包括曾經出現在HA的觀眾及演出者,均在攝影師的角度呈現不同的面貌。書冊頁數共100頁,精裝硬皮彩色印刷,第一版限量500本,絕對值得收藏。
首一百名成功預購攝影集的顧客,將會獲贈精美木製Hidden Agenda 書簽一塊(如圖)。書簽數量有限,真係先訂先得。
是次攝影集所有收益將全數撥捐Hidden Agenda 作日後經營的費用。
歡迎本地及海外樂迷預購,郵費請跟據購物車的計算付費,預計8月5 日後開始發貨。另外是次預購均接受光臨Hidden Agenda 自取書本,時間安排在日後將獲電郵通知。
【海外PRE-ORDER可能】9名のカメラマンが2010年から2017年まで7年の間、一代目から四代目のHIDDEN AGENDAで開催された一部公演の写真を収録した写真集「Hidden Agenda The Book」が遂に完成!100ページの内容を鮮やかなカラーに印刷され、表紙は特製ハードカバー仕様である。初回限定生産は僅か500冊のみ、ぜひお逃しなく!
製品名:Hidden Agenda The Book
価格:$280 HKD
ローカルと海外の方もオーダー可能!詳しくはHidden Agenda The Bookにお問い合わせ下さい。
*今回発売における売上は全てHIDDEN AGENDA今後の運営費用に寄付致します。